High End Audio Systems

Music in the home wasn’t always played off of a baseball-sized speaker plugged into a cell phone. There was a time when music was hand-cranked, from a bulky record player. As time went on, the radio was introduced. Families would get together to listen to stories...

Can I Buy a Stereo on Craigslist?

Yeah, you sorta can but… You have to pay cash You have no guarantee Go at your own risk, loads of vermin and no-good-nics Many who sell on CL are eBay kick offs or those who can’t make the grade. Prices have become very ebayish For most it’s out...
Why Does Vinyl Sound Better?

Why Does Vinyl Sound Better?

There is nothing like the sound of a vinyl record. You start up the record player, drop the needle on the disc, and experience the sound. CD’s and MP3 players can’t do the trick. The reason for this difference lies not just within the quality of the system used to...

But…What About Bose?

Bose has been around quite a while. At one time they made amazing boat anchor sized components such as the model 1801 stereo power amplifier. Today the 1801 is still considered by many one of the most impressive amplifiers ever made. The Bose equipment produced which...