Yes, in addition to Stereo/Hi Fi gear I am interested in Amateur communications equipment such as Ham Radio. Brands such as Heathkit, Yaesu, Kenwood, Icom, Johnson, Collins, Henry, Alpha, etc, etc. I buy a few of the older CB base stations from Browning, Tram, CPI, Stoner, Cobra 2000,  Demco, and a few others. I am a licensed ham and still frequent a few of the still active radio bands. Like hi fi the number of users are diminishing every day with no new operators to take their place. I have QSL’s with people in various states and they say the same thing. Ham and it’s baby sister CB radio are dying. There are no new comers to the hobby so when were gone…the hobby will cease to exist. Sad but realistic…Anyway, I am an old school radio guy with dipoles and verticals on my roof. As I sit typing this I have two handi-talkies listing to local repeater gab in my neck of the woods on 2 meters and 440Mhz. If you have Old equipment that you would like to sell please give me a call / email and let me know what you have. Maybe it’s something I could add to my collection, or even use it for parts or repair.  I am not ebay and can’t match their prices but I pay immediate cash, travel to you, and don’t even plug the equipment in. As long as it’s cosmetically good and complete I’m good to go. In other words I am easy to deal with, no drama, stress, or work.

Regardless, I would like to take this time to wish everyone a Happy New Years!

To sell your radio equipment, please contact us at, or call 718 698-2428.