Do you have any 1960’s – 1970’s Stereo equipment that you would like to turn into cash? Working, Not Working, Sometimes Working I buy equipment in virtually any condition as long as it’s cosmetically good. That’s right, even broken, non-working gear…as long as it looks good. People contact me with units missing knobs, dented, water logged, etc. I am not interested in that. “It has to look good.” Dirty is ok, but smashed is not. If you have equipment I can use I will travel a reasonable distance with cash in hand. I always confirm a deal by phone before I come(brands/models of equipment for the amount of cash I am going to pay.) We agree, I am on my way. Well almost, I like to travel in between rush hours, Sunday morning, etc. When ever I can avoid the traffic mess and when it’s convenient for you. I buy from one piece to a whole collection or system. I don’t cherry pick and do my best to buy everything. There are certain limitations of course. Large speakers and certain components I leave behind since I have a space consideration and can fit only so much in my vehicle. Sometimes I have to make two or three trips to transport everything.                                              People ask, “Dave, what do you do with all this stuff.” Well there are three things that I do with much of what I buy. #1 I restore, and use it. Maybe it will become a parts unit or I have a parts unit to try and repair your unit. Maybe it just needs an alignment and a few parts replaced. If it’s not a collectable I sometimes experiment and try to improve the set. #2 Trade. At one time I could trade stereo/hifi equipment. Not so much now, many of the old timers are gone. #3 Sell. The only viable venue to sell vintage electronics these days is ebay. Yes I know there are some esoteric websites that you can sell equipment on…but many times your still dealing with PayPal which to me is the same thing even though they have separated from ebay. It’s become pain and punishment to sell on the internet now. We are turning into a throw away, rental society. Imagine selling a McIntosh amplifier to someone across the country in California or Texas. There is the packing / shipping nightmare along with dealing with fee’s, anti-seller policies, and most importantly new age crooks and dishonest, mean people. NO it’s not everyone but it’s a lot larger % of people then you were taught. “One rotten apple spoils the bunch.” Sorry to tell you folks, it’s a lot more then just one rotten apple. It wouldn’t be that bad, but in our new age society the buyer is always right even when he or she steals or breaks the law. The buyer is always right but…not when it comes to blatant online stealing from you and I. Anyway, back to the McIntosh. All is good, you get paid and ship out this boat anchor of an amplifier to screenname “honest Joe.” You verify by tracking the amp was delivered and an adult signed for it at the door. Within a couple of hours you get an email stating “item not as described.” The buyer states you sold him broken junk that smells like White Castle diarrhea. He wants a full refund and he will make sure to give you good feedback. Isn’t that sweet? He knows your going to make a counter offer for a partial refund. Why? Because you know if you get it back it’s going to be damaged in shipping, or blown up, damaged, basically a worthless hunk of metal by the time it reaches your door. Whether the buyer purposely destroys the unit or it happens in shipping it’s just not going make it. You took your time, energy and care to triple box this thing. You think he is going to do the same? Does he want to send this monster back to you? Plus what are you going to do with a non-working unit that weights 125 lbs. So you make a counter offer and not only lose profit but take a hit in your own pocketbook. Mean while the amp is playing in his living room as you paypal him back half the money he paid to avoid bad feedback and smashed up Mac at your door. Then there is the problem with serial renters. Some even rent window air conditioners for the summer and send the unit back after two or three months. Call it Sad, sick, mean, etc. but it happens everyday with all kinds of purchased items. Personally I could never do anything like or near that but some people actually thrive on this type of behavior. Don’t get me wrong, at one time ebay was an amazing idea turned into an amazing venue. Now for sellers it’s risk central. The people in charge don’t care. They have wanted it “gone” for years. But that’s another story for another day. So, if you have equipment that you would like to turn into cash, give me a call or drop me an email. Please include brands, models, and condition of what you would like to sell. I am prompt and easy to deal with, and I pay cash. Thank you.


To sell your old stereo equipment, please contact us at, or call 718 698-2428.